Argonautika Review by Kathryn Barnes
Argonautika is an adaptation by Mary Zimmerman of the Greek classic Jason and the Argonauts, where Jason, the mythological hero sets sail on his ship Argo with his crew in search of the Golden Fleece. Directed by Robyn Ernst, it is aptly set in the Nambour Aquatic Park, with the BYTES youth theatre cast in full regalia showered in water, water everywhere. Even the audience at the front are seated close enough to get an odd splash, adding to the immersive experience. I attended on 7 May 2022.
At every show, Robyn Ernst uses the premise of the Anywhere Festival and projects it to another level, not just finding a non-theatre space, but a challenging physical environment which suits each play perfectly. In Argonautika, the red waterslide becomes the Argo ship and the use of blue light against a blue floor accentuates the visual effect of the sea. Other colours evocatively come into play for the other scenes. The swinging bucket periodically drops a torrent of water on the crew standing on the tower above the ship, perfectly simulating the sailing ship battling large waves on their journey.
There were some major challenges for the cast; acting whilst constantly wet, projecting their voices above the sound of the water, running and combating on slippery floors and working the scenes in with the 12 minute on/off water cycle of the park. They handled it well, giving full enthusiasm and commitment that BYTES shows are renowned for.
Some entertaining elements were the engaging narration and the dance of Aphrodite through the water features. The whole ensemble performed seamlessly with evident teamwork, and the curtain call was novel and fun for the cast and audience. Argonautika has two shows remaining which are sold out. Everyone wants to dip their toes in the water here and one can see why.
Kathryn Barnes
I saw this performance on Saturday night and was so impressed!! It was engaging and entertaining. I loved that they moved their way through the water as if it wasn’t even there whilst remembering their parts. I too loved the curtain call!
Thanks so much for coming along Kathryn and for your appreciative comments. So very proud of this cast for taking on the challenges of an Anywhere Experience.
Absolutely brilliant show, the whole cast and crew outdid themselves. I came along on Friday night and was captivated by the whole performance and the setting was magical.
Well done to everyone. Lorraine