Olivia Watkins reviews IN MELODIAM

In Melodiam is an interactive experience tucked away in the sleepy, lamp-lit basement of Cinnamon & Co in West End. With your fellow audience members as your team, venture in and discover a ghost – a woman, listless at the piano, who beckons for help in escaping her purgatory. She was going somewhere, but where?

The piece has a strong, central focus in the form of the large old travelling case in the middle of the room. Described by Here + There Productions as an “escape room-in-a-suitcase,” it is a gorgeous case decked out with a sophisticated puzzle-box scheme. Safes and cyphers abound as you pry layer by layer and help to uncover the facts of this historical haunting mystery. 

There’s a truly impressive depth to the mechanics of the box, which was created by hand for the project. Road blocks may emerge, in which case the performer diligently self-enlists to direct you toward solutions. This works well thanks to their wonderful, wholesome dynamism. I admire that the audience’s relationship to their ghostly new friend is clearly established – they are here to help! This leaves no room for second-guessing foibles in questioning their motives, cleanly eliminating what could be a potentially messy pitfall.

Without revealing too much, I can say that some sweet story beats unfold. They give the piece a saccharine and sepia quality, and while the drama may not be totally grounded in the harsh realities of historical Meanjin, I can see how the team has endeavoured to create an embedded found-history plot that contributes to a greater body of time-bending local projects. 

I can imagine that with more performance, wheat will continue to be separated from chaff, some delicate elements will be strengthened, and the already-strong points emphasised even further. 

The polish that comes with that process of refinement could very well push this experience over the line from a charmingly kitsch puzzle-passage to a must-see indie gem. 

Lastly, it must be mentioned that you receive a five dollar credit for food and drink with your ticket, which is a really nice touch. I myself tried the house iced tea – mandarin and ginger. Icy and zesty, it was really refreshing and absolutely worth trying – just like the show!

IN MELODIAM runs until the 22 MAy. Tickets are very limited and you can book here.