My Top Five Picks – Kiarra Auberson
Hi, Kiarra here. I’m one of the interns for Anywhere Festival 2023.
As a young female artist I love theatre that explores feminine and queer perspectives in more unique formats/storylines. I also love theatre that enables you to escape the reality of the world.
As in previous years, the world has had significant events that have caused a global crisis and with the real world being such a negative Nancy theatre as a source of escapism from the real world is a big factor I personally consider when picking a performance to go see.
With that in mind here are my top 5 picks on what to see at Anywhere Festival 2023.
1. Cherry – Presented by Sour Cherry Productions (BOOK NOW)

There’s a certain nostalgia factor of this show which creates a connection and draws me to it, I too have been diagnosed with fangirl fever in my teenage years and there’s nothing quite like it. Cherry not only gives nostalgia but gives entertainment factor in the form of pop music as well as a bisexual woman perspective.
2. Beverly Kills: Presents Heaven & Hell – Presented by Beverly Kills (BOOK NOW)

Religion and the concept of heaven and hell can be heavy subject to bring up at the dinner table but with this production Beverley’s Kills have put a satirical spin on determining if one’s sins can deem them to hell. This holy concept delivered by a drag queen is a combination that is drop-dead entertainment.
3. Living Shakespeare – Presented by Apt.13 Productions (BOOK NOW)

Immersive theatre for purely entertainment value is a good enough reason for me to be intrigued by this show. The concept of William Shakespeare’s characters being alive in today’s society creates a sense of excitement many of us have read at least a few of Shakespeare’s plays in our time it be definitely not a bore to see how they would hold up in the technology evolved world of 2023.
4. The Importance of Being Wasted – Presented by Act React (BOOK NOW)

Who doesn’t love seeing people under the influence make a fool of themselves in a public setting well this might very be the case audiences will get to see as half the actors will be a bit tipsy. Actors are to re-enact an Oscar Wilde’s classic The Importance of Being Earnest and with some being under the influence it shall be a comedic sight to see.
5. Date Night – Presented by Chris Martin & Taylor Edwards (BOOK NOW)

The effort that goes into going on a date is something we have all experienced at least once before and this comedy duo will sure make us laugh. Taylor and Chris are two of Brisbanes best comedy writers who funnily enough also are a couple. Date Night is something relatable, funny and makes the mundane act of dating entertaining.