Apply now to host a performance at your home or business

Support independent artists by offering your space for a performance anywhere but a theatre from April to June in the 2022 Anywhere Festival.

Expressions of Interest for Moreton Bay Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Noosa are now open!

We are looking for spaces of all kinds – backyards, lounge rooms, pools, mazes,  cafes, galleries, libraries, streets to be part of 2022 Anywhere Festival.

There is no charge to being involved. By offering your space rent free, independent artists are able to create shows and earn an income that is not possible with the high overheads and risks in established “pay for use” performance spaces.

In exchange, the independent artists use your space “as is” as much as possible instead of turning it into a standard theatre. They will work with the timings that work best for you to cause the least impact for you.

We work with you and the artist to make sure you are both happy with the arrangement and that everything runs with the minimum of stress and the maximum amount of enjoyment 😉

Like to hear more about how it works? Check out our guide for hosts at this link.

If you’d like to hear more about the ethos of the festival, check out Founder Paul Osuch’s speech at TEDx

When you are ready, fill out this quick form and we’ll get in touch to chat and start connecting you with potential performances.