2025 Brisbane Anywhere Festival Stage 1 (Instalments)
$40.00 / month for 4 months
You are invited to Stage 1 of developing your work for Brisbane Anywhere Festival happening 18 July to 3 August 2025.
You are invited to develop your work for 2025 Brisbane Anywhere Festival.
We have split the standard $295 participation fee we had ever year of Anywhere Festival (except for 2024) into two to make it easier for you to spread the costs and also to acknowledge that a large part is getting mostly new projects ready for the program. We have also added in the ability to pay in instalments.
Stage 1 is about developing your idea into a full concept, locking in a location and all the details for the festival program. Once that all happens, Stage 2 is confirming you are in the program and then rehearsing, marketing and presenting in the festival.
The first stage begins when you are invited based on your Expression of Interest, developing your idea, finding a location, working with us to ensure your show fits within the festival so you are ready to confirm for the print and online program. Get access to our resources and the Anywhere Festival team to develop your show, and source rent-free or minimal cost non-traditional performance spaces. You’ll also join our online artist group, attend workshops, and receive discounts with partner organisations. $145
Next is Stage 2: Rehearse, Market and Present in the Festival
Once your show concept, location and details are ready lock in for the print and online program with a sliding amount based on the number of ticket to sell. We’ve done this to make it easier for small scale one off shows – particularly back yard gigs – to be part of the festival and to provide the level of support required for bigger shows. This is $85 for 50 seats + $50 / every 100 seats of capacity.
Every participant must do Stage 1 before Stage 2 to ensure the concept pitched and accepted is festival ready before being confirmed in the program.
Box Office %. You take 90% of the box office. The other 10% allows us to run and manage the box office for you, taking
Refund Policy
There are no refunds. We have broken up the process into Stage 1 and 2 so that you get the benefits of each Stage immediately. Stage 1 provides the resources to get your concept ready for the print program. If you decide not to proceed to Stage 2 for whatever reason, you still continue to get access to the resources, artist pass, workshops, etc.
Alternative Payment Options
You can also pay via a direct deposit to the following account. Payments this way avoid the $3 fee on our web site. Please make sure you put in your show name & producer name in the reference to allow us to connect the payment to you.
BANK: Westpac. BSB: 034 013. A/C #: 301780. ACCOUNT NAME: Anywhere Theatre Festival Limited
Reference 2024 Brisbane Stage x + Your show name