2025 Brisbane Anywhere Festival

Brisbane Anywhere Festival makes all the world a stage with Brisbane as the backdrop. This page is for participants to confirm your involvement.

Stage 1: Concept Development in readiness for Program Confirmation
$145 or four instalments of $40.
Confirm by 8 December 2024.

Stage 2: Rehearse, Market and Present in the Festival
$85 for 50 seats + $50 / every 100 seats of capacity.
Confirm by 15 April 2025.

For those of you who have done Anywhere Festival any time between 2011 to 2022 and doing the maths for the stage 2 approach, the split means most will be paying less now than the $295 to participate in the first decade of Anywhere Festivals.

Public Liability. As an alternative to public liability insurance companies like Duck for Cover, we have a new initiative for 2025 that allows you to cover yourself for the lead up and covering the 2025 Brisbane Anywhere Festival or to buy cover for THE ENTIRE YEAR including all your activities. $95 for lead up to and including a festival or $165 for the year. Pay whenever you want to start being covered and once approved and with a signed off risk assessment, you’re good to go.

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