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Body percussion

Body Percussion


Presented by The Joy Dispensary

Clap, snap, stomp and click - make your body the instrument!

Be part of Moreton Bay Body Percussion Orchestra!

Join in the performance fun by making some noise with a clap, snap, stomp and click with The Joy Dispensary. Make your body the instrument and learn simple routines to show off at a series of events during the Anywhere Festival.

This is the first workshop of a series of 4 x workshops. Learn the routines from 10am-11am and then from 11am-11.30am take to the streets of North Lakes as the body percussion FLASHMOB brings rhythm to people!

You’re sure to enjoy this exhilarating experience so come along to wow audiences at the following events.

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    All Performance Dates

  • Genre

    Family, Music, Workshops



  • MAP


    North Lakes Community Centre


    90 mins

  • Premiere


    Wheelchair accessible, Wheelchair accessible toilet


    No Warnings

  • ico-door

    Doors Open


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    Things you need to know or bring

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we present Anywhere Festival, the Kabi Kabi/Gubbi Gubbi, Jinibara, Turrbal and Yuggera Peoples. We wish to pay respect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their stories continue to play.