Register your venue, nook or cranny

Register your space for 2024 Anywhere Fringe. Whether you are a 200+ seat theatre, small bar, backyard or a strange nook or cranny from a car park to a warehouse, this is the festival to find exciting new acts, introduce new audiences to what you do and be part of a festival where everyone's invited.

Drinking Hour Glitter martini

Anywhere Fringe for venues

Anywhere Fringe merges Anywhere Festival and the reimagined Fringe Brisbane into one new festival from 19 July to 4 August 2024.

Independent performers and producers of comedy, cabaret, dance, theatre, live art, circus, spoken word, film, exhibitions and markets anywhere - theatres, black boxes, as well as nooks and crannies.

Anywhere Fringe is by the award winning team running Anywhere Festival and Fringe Brisbane since 2011.

This one's gonna' be huge. It will be Brisbane's feature event for July/August supported by Brisbane City Council and Arts Queensland.

Find shows registered with Anywhere Fringe that have been approved and let acts find you... or program works through your own channels.

Access Anywhere Fringe creative producers and Festival Director to work with artists and reduce the workload and make you stand out in the festival program. 

No cost to register.\

Extend your marketing reach in a program with 30,000+ print programs, 400,000+ unique web site views and 2.3m socials reach

We're looking for...

Any kind of venue or location be part of the festival.

Be a festival Hub

Anywhere Fringe will have a select number of festival hub venues running a number of productions over part of the festival or the entire festival.

Stand alone or one off venue

Run a one off event, event or something you have already programmed that coincides with Anywhere Fringe or choose from Anywhere Fringe artists.

Nook or crannies

Offer your backyard, hours, business, or nook and cranny of any type just as Anywhere Festival has been doing for the last 13 years.

The Arts

20 December 2023

Register your venue now

Venue registrations open. Go live early to start programming or wait for the main call event call out and programming period for Anywhere Fringe between 12 February to 17 March 2024

20 December 2023

1 January 2024

Reveal early booking venues

All registered venues who want to go live early to start curating acts as soon as you want. Acts we know who have started the conversation early will be registered for you to search or for them to go to you.

1 January 2024

9 February

Venue registration deadline

To be part of 2024 Anywhere Fringe, you must have registered with all your details.

9 February

12 February

Show registrations open

The major open call out when shows are looking for performances spaces. All approved shows can search for approved venues and approved venues can search for shows.

12 February

17 March

Early Bird Programming deadline

Early bird discount of 17% for shows locked in by the early bird deadline with all details with shows (dates, times, ticket prices, show descriptions) for print program and online box office.

17 March

12 April

Programming deadline NEW!

Deadline to lock in all details with shows (dates, times, ticket prices, show descriptions) for print program and online box office.

12 April

18 April

Early Release Tickets

Each week six feature events ready for early release ticket sales will go on sale

18 April

30 May

Full program launched

The 2024 Anywhere Fringe program will be launched after 6 weeks of announcements featuring 6 shows/venues a week.

30 May

19 July

Opening night

Opening night of 2024 Anywhere Fringe

19 July

4 August

Closing night

Closing night of 2024 Anywhere Fringe

4 August
Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 1.27.57 pm
Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 1.28.29 pm
A Drop Too Many. Photograph by Geoff Lawrence

Frequently Asked Questions

Do we have to be available for the entire festival?

No. You can do one day, a weekend or the length of the festival.

Do we curate the shows or can Anywhere Fringe do it?

We can either leave it all to you and you can find artists registered with us on Eventotron or your own sources, we can provide advice while you curate or we can program it with you and manage it all for a fee.

In the past, the most popular approach is that you curate in coordination and with advice with us. You know your venue best and we know the acts and the shape of the overall festival.

Can we find our own acts separate to the Anywhere Fringe show registrations?

Absolutely. Any acts that are to be part of the Anywhere Fringe print/online program will need to register through us before the deadline.

Can we use our details from 2022 Fringe Brisbane?

Yep, we've already copied it across to 2024 Anywhere Fringe ready for you to make changes and confirm, so you don't have to put all the details in again. Just log into eventotron using the same email (reset password if it was all too. long ago) and just do a bit of tweaking. Easy.

Wasn't Anywhere Festival about rent free venues? Can we charge?

Yes, you can where you are providing a space with resources and artists are hiring you as they would a performance space. We are encouraging people towards hub spaces where costs can be shared as well as non traditional spaces and venues who put the artists first.  If you're offering a non-traditional space to be used as is with no support and where artists need to work around you, then we will be encouraging artists to go with rent free venues.

Can we use our own box office?

The Anywhere Fringe system has no inside charges to artists or to you. If you have an exclusive agreement with a ticketing provider and must, we would just add that:

In past festivals, we saw a 65% reduction in ticket purchasers looking to purchase different show tickets at the same time when one of the shows was on a different site. 

Our box office team will also prioritise supporting queries and promoting events ticketed through our box office where we have the ability to know tickets sales at our finger tips.

Our box office team can help manage show changes and cancellations

Our system gets populated with a button from the show registration system.

What about show clashes in a big festival?

There no doubt will be clashes, but we will be working with you and acts to create a program where every venue has space. We will be operating first in best dressed so for example, if you have already programmed a big cabaret event on one night, we would be advising other cabaret acts of this and advising against clashing.

What conditions are there?

There is no cost to register as a venue but to guarantee quality, all interested venues will be vetted before being made available for artists to search

Venues at Anywhere Fringe need to put out on every second seat of all events at your venue from festival launch in May and during the festival at festival events. We will provide the programs to ensure you never run out.

Ensuring your social media, enews and web site gives space to the shows you have and physical programs and poster are placed from full program launch onwards

Ensuring "Participating in Anywhere Fringe" logo placement

If you do your own ticketing, we need an opt in to join the Anywhere Fringe mailing list. See above for more.

Work with the performance makers as agreed.

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we present Anywhere Festival, the Kabi Kabi/Gubbi Gubbi, Jinibara, Turrbal and Yuggera Peoples. We wish to pay respect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledge the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their stories continue to play.